What a great day of cycling. Our fixed gear friend Mike from Tianjin came just to visit us and ride with us. Unfortunately some of our Beijing fixed gear riders were sick and some had to work. So we ended up riding only with 3 people. While stopping in Jianwai SOHO we were directly spotted by some people as the most fashionable kids on the block. They took our picture and said they have an online street wear magazine. We were amazed „why us?“ but I have the feeling it was just a trick to get our contact details. I cannot enter the site name they provided… 🙁
We then rode to the Drum and Bell Tower of Beijing. On the space between the 2 towers there are always the pedal rickshaw guys standing around. They were fascinated by our bikes. I let them try my bike and as always all they guys and us laughed a lot. They are just not used to fixed gear.
William received his beautiful bike just a few weeks ago from Japan. If anybody is interested in riding fixed gear with us or wanted to learn more about fixed gear bikes, then please join our fixed gear group on facebook.
We were riding the whole day and then when it got dark went to the Olympic village. Mike did a free handed track stand in front of the Bird’s Nest on the Olympic Green. Unfortunately he had to leave at 10:30pm with the high speed train back to Tianjin. I hope we can ride together again soon.
One day soon (next year?), I’m gonna make my first visit to China and I’ll be sure to bring my bike and look you up!