From Bikes to Cars to Bikes in a Generation

Today I received this article that a friend of mine (thank you so much) found in the Global Times newspaper. It describes that with the push for Chinese people to get cars, Beijing is now congested (I can totally agree) and this has stimulated the Chinese Government to issue a plan to persuade more of the Beijing residents to ride bikes (I am so happy! This is great!) like commuters. Bikes are not expensive in China, but as bike theft is a huge issue (Yes, I know that) the government wants to increase bike rentals in Beijing like in Hangzhou.

Global Times Beijing Bike Article

3 Responses to “From Bikes to Cars to Bikes in a Generation”

  1. Ines sagt:

    Hallo Guang Hui,

    es freut mich, dass Dir mein Blog gefaellt. Und ja, ich bin aus Deutschland. Ich wohne aber schon ueber 5 Jahre in Peking. Mir gefaellt es in der Chinesischen Hauptstadt sehr gut daher habe ich hier einen Fahrradladen eroeffnet 🙂

    Schoenes Neues Jahr!

  2. kwanghtn sagt:

    I happen to chance upon your website. Very informative and refreshing.

    Ich geh davon aus, dass du aus Deutschland oder?

    MfG aus Singapur,
    光辉(Guang Hui)