Soon will be the Beijing Li-Ning Bike Boy Alleycat Bike Race ( It will be held on Saturday April 16th starting a 2:30pm in the Beijing 798 art district at the Iberia Center for Contemporary Art. It will be a fun race through the city to 5 different check points and then back to the starting point. There will be prizes for male and female racers from Beijing as well as separate prizes for male and female racers from other cities. So if you have a fixed gear bike then quickly register ( and come on out and have fun with us.
After the alleycat bike race there will be a Li-Ning fixed gear party at the 798 Iberia Center for Contemporary Art. The party includes guests like Sam Lee, 24 Herbs from HongKong, Taiwan MC HotDog, Japan T19 Fixed Gear Team, American FTC Fixed Gear Team ( and also the STC JisuPK race system
In preparation for the alleycat race let us do a bike ride on Wednesday April 13th starting at 8pm at Natooke shop ( Natooke shop is one of the race check points. Let us ride to all the other check points so that we know where they are. If you do not have a fixed gear bike then let us know as we have a few for rent. But please book one in advance to make sure we are not booked out.
Alleycat race registration ends on Wednesday April 13th 11:00pm so please be quick to register:
Looking forward to seeing you on your bikes! Let us blast around the city.
Ines and the Natooke team.
Natooke&李宁Bike Boy野猫赛与极速PK和派对
北京李宁Bike Boy野猫赛就要开始了(。本次比赛将在4月16日星期六下午2点30分正式开始,起点是798艺术园区的伊比利亚当代艺术中心。这将是一次有趣的比赛,你要寻找市区内的五个检查点然后回到起点。本次比赛还设有本地组男子和女子奖项奖品及外地组男子合女子奖项奖品。所以如果你有死飞车的话,赶紧来http://bikeboy.natooke.com注册报名然后和我们一起玩吧。
野猫赛结束后,还会有李宁死飞派对,也在伊比利亚当代艺术中心。派对邀请了李灿森SamLee和他的朋友香港24HERBS,以及台湾MC HotDog热狗,日本T19车队,美国FTC车队(。当然还有比车牛的极速PK。
注册野猫赛的截止日期为4月13日23点,所以请尽快注册哦: 很期待在你的自行车上见到你!让我们在北京城里风驰电掣一下吧!