Archive for the ‘Media’ Category

Bikeboy Video

Montag, Dezember 13th, 2010

Here is the link to a video of the Bike boy event. It is not really good quality but gives an impression of the event where Natooke provided all the bikes and bike parts.

CCTV Green Space Talkshow

Sonntag, Dezember 12th, 2010

I was invited to the CCTV10 Green Space (Green Life) talkshow to talk about cycling in Beijing as an environmentally friendly transportation method and a green lifestyle. It was a very nice show called „I love riding bike“. Have a look at this program, but it is all in Chinese and we only talk. Click on the following image to see the video:

绿色空间 2010年 第238期 我爱骑车

关  键  字:骑车出行  解读  绿色出行  看法  体会  环境资源

本期节目主要内容:本期节目请来自行车俱乐部发起人孙健和三联生活周刊的撰稿人袁越一起来对骑车出行做另类的解读,骑车作为一种被倡导的绿色出行方式,在 华居住多年的德国前室内自行车运动员伊泉和韩国健美教练赵守镇对于目前在中国骑车出行又有怎样的看法和体会,本期节目和主持人一起讨论骑车出行,倡导珍惜 环境资源。

There were 4 guests on this talk show. First Sun Jian and the author of Life Week Yuan Yue do travel together on bicycle. Cycling is started to become a way to do green traveling in China. Then a South Korean girl that does not cycle and me (Ines Brunn) were invited to speak about cycling in Beijing comparing it to other countries around the world.

Natooke in MING Magazine 明日风尚

Mittwoch, November 17th, 2010

Our shop is getting so famous that we do not even know when there is a new article in a newspaper or magazine or again something on TV. 2 friends had mentioned they saw us in a magazine called Ming 明日风尚. Today Echo brought the November 2010 edition of the magazine that Tom had found.

Ming Magazine November 2010

It is a very nice article about Federico and me and our shop. It is in the „Good Life“ section of the magazine and has the main title „Retail Star“.

Natooke in Ming Magazine

Another friend mentioned that there is also an article in the high speed train magazine. I remember being interviewed for that. I hope I can see the article soon.

NATOOKE shop on Facebook

Donnerstag, November 4th, 2010

Finally we have a page on facebook for Natooke. We have pictures of the bikes that we built up in the Natooke store in Beijing. Please check them out!

Beijing TV Global Gala Audition on TV

Montag, Oktober 25th, 2010

There was a short clip about the second audition for the Beijing TV 2011 Spring Festival Global Gala shown on TV 2 days ago. Here is a link to the TV video. The section about me and Yu Changqing starts at 3min 18sec. I hope we can be selected to perform our bike tricks for the big gala show during Chinese New Year.

时尚座驾 Trends Car Magazine

Sonntag, Oktober 24th, 2010

STC participated in an event organized by the Trends group for their „Half Car“ green initiative. I did a performance in front of famous Chinese people. Here is a picture of that in the October issue of the Trends Car (时尚座驾) magazine.

Trends Car Magazine

Ines Performing in Trends Car Magazine

Puerto Rico Fixed Gear

Mittwoch, Oktober 20th, 2010

I found an entry about myself on the Puerto Rico fixed gear webpage. Thanks! Greetings from Beijing to you Puerto Rican fixed gear riders!

China Daily Article on Bike for Better Beijing

Montag, September 20th, 2010

The original article by China Daily is here.

More than 80 percent of Beijing’s office workers are willing to saddle up and commute to work by bicycle, according to a report released on Saturday.

But the report adds that the would-be cyclists will not be choosing the green option unless a list of prerequisites is met first.

Top of the list is the need for safe bicycle lanes that are not used by car drivers for parking.

The office workers said they would also need to feel confident that their bikes will not be stolen because the theft of cycles is rampant in the capital.

And their final demand is that a more convenient and efficient bike rental system is developed, especially near subway stations.

The report, conducted by China Mainland Marketing Research Co, together with another report named Bike for a Better Beijing, which was released on the same day by Friends of Nature, point out challenges facing cyclists in the city.

„Motor vehicles are the priorities in the design of Beijing’s road systems, making it dangerous to cycle in the city,“ said Li Bo, head of Friends of Nature in China.

Li said about 75 percent of interviewees who took part in the research said Beijing lacks parking lots designed for bikes.

„Too many people have had their bikes stolen, so they only ride shabby ones instead, which makes riding a bike shameful instead of fashionable.“

In addition, the bike rental industry in Beijing has faced challenges because it requires high investment but has low usage.

Wang Yong, president of the Beijing Bicycle Rental Co, said he had invested more than 50 million yuan in the business since 2005. He said business had been so bad that almost all of his rivals had left the market during the past five years.

Guo Haiyan, vice-president of the Chinese Cycling Association, said the main reason for the low take-up rate for bike rentals was the lack of convenience.

„The number of motor vehicles is growing so fast in Beijing, exceeding 4.5 million and occupying so much space,“ she said. „It is not an exaggeration to call the city ‚a flowing parking lot‘.“

Guo said, with all the problems caused by motor vehicles, it is high time to slow down and think about what would make Beijing a „livable city“.

Shannon Bufton, an Australian who is the founder of Smarter Than Car, an NGO dedicated to promoting the use of bikes in Beijing, said the idea of a livable city has evolved in the West.

He said in the 1940s, Western countries used to believe in motor vehicles as a more convenient mode of travel but, 20 years later, severe congestion hit many countries, just as it is doing in Beijing right now.

He cited Copenhagen as an example of how a city can evolve past the stage Beijing is now at. The city used to be crowded with cars before the government made part of the city center car-free.

„It is the idea of ‚reconquering cities‘ initiated by Danish designers, which means reclaiming the city center from cars for people.“

Denmark is one of the nations with the highest GDP but despite its affluence, Danish people choose to cycle, even in the winter.

Another role model for Beijing is Bogota, capital of Colombia, he said.

Bufton said the use of bikes in the city has multiplied nine times in the past five years and special wide lanes have been created down the center of roads for cyclists to use.

„People have to get out of their cars to experience the advantages of cycling but all the advantages are based on convenience,“ Wang added.

„When we see rich people and celebrities driving their cars every day and when it is almost impossible to find a place to park your bike; when all the roads are designed for motor vehicles, it is ridiculous to ask the public to ride a bike.“


There was also an article about the „Bike for Better Beijing“ published in the Global Times.
Today was also an article about the very bad traffic jams in Beijing the past few days.
Just a few days ago was an article in China Daily about how it is not easy to cycling in Beijing with all the cars in the city.

Ines Brunn 伊泉 on iLook

Freitag, September 10th, 2010

I found the online version of the article printed in the February 2010 iLook magazine. iLook magazine is a cool fashion magazine that is not main stream. Unfortunately also online they used the wrong Chinese character for my name… My name in Chinese is 伊泉. This is how the article should read with my real name:


    2007年,伊泉(Ines Brunn)和一个朋友共同创立了“北京死飞”(Fixed Gear Beijing)自行车俱乐部,对于这个奇怪的俱乐 部名称,伊泉解释说,一般人骑的是飞轮自行车,而他们选择的是轮子和脚踏板固定的固定齿轮车,如果要骑行,脚必须一直进行踩踏动作不能停止。


   伊泉(Ines Brunn)是一位充满激情的德国自行车选手,曾在美国生活了六年。她也曾经是一位粒子加速器的研究员,之后转向了远程传输领域,并且搬 到了北京。她是一位有竞争力的运动员,在德国国家室内自行车队效力了10年的时间,现在仍在世界各地进行让人津津乐道的自行车杂技表演。 Fixed Gear究竟有多神奇?这次我们来到了伊泉位于五道营胡同的商店Natooke,和你一同探个究竟。

LOOK:先给我们扫扫盲,什么叫Fixed Gear?

伊泉:Fixed Gear是一种时下备受世界各地年轻人关注和喜爱的单车,源自室内场地车赛的场地车(Track Bike)。可以说 Fixed Gear就是凶悍的场地车的街道版。Fixed Gear和普通单车的最大区别在于采用的是单一的固定齿轮(Fixed Gear),而不是 可以倒转的飞轮(Free Wheel)和变速系统,之所以这样设计是出于保证比赛公平的目的。Fixed Gear的另一个特点是通常不安装刹车,这是 因为在场地赛中,车速很快,车距也很近,为了避免突然刹车造成群翻,国际上才有这样的规定。正是由于Fixed Gear的结构特点,才可以做出漂移,倒 踩等眩目的花式动作。加上结构简单轻巧,外形纯粹洗练,深受年轻人的欢迎。骑Fixed Gear的年轻人认为,Fixed Gear代表着一种生活方式 和态度,是一种简单、不妥协、自由的文化产物。


伊泉:这个商店分两个部分,一部分是售卖杂技用品,有很全的杂技装备。另一部分当然就是自行车了,现在我们只有Fixed Gear,以后我们有可能引进 单速车。此外,我个人偏爱古老的款式,这些老车子无论设计还是做工都很棒。和现在生产线大批量生产的自行车相比,这些老家伙更具魅力,所以我们也经营这类 车子。


伊泉:我之所以选择这个地方是因为这些胡同有很老北京的味道,是最“真”的北京。至于这里的自行车文化,比较特别的是我发现很多人都骑三轮车、电动车来运 货,这是我在别的大城市从来没有看到过的。此外,这里很多人骑自行车是因为没有经济能力负担其他交通方式,或者是为生计所迫,并不是因为他们喜欢自行车。 在德国,大部分骑车的人都是因为他们真的喜欢这项运动,或者是认为骑车很环保才选择自行车的,也有一部分人选择自行车是因为它很快—我觉得十公里以内没有 什么交通方式比骑自行车更快。

iLOOK:你认为Fixed Gear最大的魅力在哪里?

伊泉:Fixed Gear一旦开始骑,你的脚就不能停下来,它和任何自行车都不一样。我也经常骑公路车,但它们之间的感觉是完全不同的,当你踩踏的时 候,普通的单车不会有力量反馈,而Fixed Gear可以通过脚踏来回馈你的每一步。发力的时候,由于是固定齿轮,脚和轮子是真正的连动,所以整个腿的 动作看起来都特别连贯和漂亮。很多职业车手也会用Fixed Gear来训练,当你把一台Fixed Gear骑得很快的时候,脚踏的惯性会一直逼着你更 快,不给双脚休息的机会,好像有一个声音在告诉你,再快点,再快点!另外,Fixed Gear还可以做出倒骑、滑行等花式动作,所以我表演的时候也都使 用Fixed Gear,很好玩。Fixed Gear还有一个特点,就是外观漂亮。我没办法说那些装有一大堆各类零件和设备的自行车是漂亮的,而一台 Fixed Gear的零件数量很有限,往那儿一放就相当得简单,好看。

iLOOK:据我所知,现在国内越来越多的年轻人都开始玩Fixed Gear,你认为Fixed Gear在中国的发展会是怎样的趋势?

伊泉:我很高兴看到更多的人加入到这个群体中,现在纽约、东京骑Fixed Gear的人非常多,我相信在中国也会是这样。我也正在计划为我们的网站推出中文版。

iLOOK:最后对在犹豫要不要骑Fixed Gear的人说点什么吧。

伊泉:也许你会觉得Fixed Gear听上去很难骑,但是我建议你一定要试试。



Natooke on Bike Snob Blog

Donnerstag, September 9th, 2010

Our Natooke shop was mentioend yesterday on the famous blog of the New York City Bike Snob. Here is the link to the full length blog article. But I did copy some parts of that blog entry into my blog:

Bike Snob NYC

Systematically and mercilessly disassembling, flushing, greasing, and re-packing the cycling culture.

Pull My Strings: The New Puppetry

As we move inexorably forward like cartons of eggs on the supermarket conveyor belt of life, there are three sure signs at autumn is imminent: an invigorating chill in the air; plumbing problems caused by flushing leaf piles down the toilet; and of course the bike industry trade shows. Outside of the cycling world, people have the good sense to ignore trade shows unless they actually work in that industry and are forced to go to them. This is true even if the trade show involves something they use….

… Speaking of putting your hands on throbbing things, a reader informs me that pants behemoth Levi Strauss recently decided to „get their finger on the pulse of the fixed gear and commuter bike movement in an authentic way,“ presumably so they could sell them more stuff:

Apparently, Levi Strauss decided to do its pop-cultural „fingerbanging“ in Denver and Boulder instead of New York, San Francisco, or Los Angeles „because the scene is still young and developing organically in Colorado,“ and its worth noting that some lonely middle-aged men hang around schools and playgrounds for exactly the same reason.  …

… It’s inspiring to see that fixed-gear crews are reinventing themselves as focus groups, and it’s reassuring to know that young people are more willing than ever to leap to action when a company with over $4 billion in annual revenue asks them to „help us help you spend your disposable income on crap.“ I’m sure Levi’s left after the weekend with a greater understanding of cycling and some great new product ideas (fixed-gear specific jeans with integrated bottle opener and dedicated cigarette pocket?), though the city of Denver might want to consider issuing an AMBER Alert for their „bike culture.“

Of course, if Levi’s really wanted to do some cutting-edge „fixie“ market research, they should have gone to China, where a reader informs me that fixed-gear cycling and juggling are coming together in new and exciting ways:

Yes, for Beijing „fixters“ the light-running antics of America’s „urban“ cyclists simply cannot rival the excitement and agility of circus-like riders such as the great Serge Huercio. Also, they forego skid-patch calculators in favor of juggling patterns:

Though stopping is still called „skidding:“

Ah, the fixed-gear world, where stopping is called „skidding,“ conformity is called „individualism,“ and scavenger hunts are called „races.“ …

… Posted by BikeSnobNYC

At least there is already a positive comment about us:

September 9, 2010 10:13 AM Fergie said:
That Natooke link is the site of Ines Brunn – The best artistic cycling rider to perform in NYC since the 1800’s! She also rocked out on the very same Penny Farthing you rode at the BRA. Real cool person, and the best fixed gear rider around.

Thanks Fergie 🙂