The Green Lady of Beijing and director of Greening the Beige (GtB) Carissa Welton went to hold a presentation at the Canadian International School of Beijing (CIS) for the middle school and high school Earth Day assembly. To show them that being part of Greening the Beige can be fun I brought my trick bike and did a trick bike performance. They loved the stunts that I did. I just hope that none of the students will try the bike tricks on their own bikes in Beijing traffic.
Greening the Beige was celebrating the greenest day of the year – Earth Day with a party! Carissa had organized an Earth Day BBQ on the roof of Obiwan near JiShuiTan subway. There was be cinema and BBQ on the roof terrace of Club Obiwan, overlooking XiHai, with lots of old and new green friends. We enjoyed a selection of grilled organic-fed meats with plenty of fresh veggie options (includes 1 glass of punch) and watched a special green film screening. There was also the Earth Day raffle with cool prizes from our green-hearted sponsors. New members to GtB are always welcome!
点废成绿(GtB)是一个富有创意的注重环保的艺术群体。从成立之日起到现在的三年期间,我们作为一个草根环保团体一直致力于对我们周围的环境起到 积极的作用。借今年地球日之际,我们真诚的邀请我们所有的支持者参加我们组织的户外烧烤自助和电影放映。100元可以享受到我们为大家精心准备的各种有机 蔬菜和一杯水果酒。如果对自助烧烤不感兴趣,也希望大家参加我们的抽奖活动,有很多慷慨的赞助方提供的绿色丰厚奖品。同时,点废成绿永远欢迎新的成员加 入。更多信息,请浏览
Arab Chick Pea, Fennel & Tomato Salad – 阿拉伯鹰嘴豆,茴香和番茄沙拉 seasoned with lemon juice, coriander & olive oil
Lettuce Salad – 生菜沙拉 with yoghurt & mustard sauce
German Style Potato Salad – 德式土豆沙拉 with dill, sour cucumber & parsley
Canapés – 小点 bread & wraps 面包及卷饼
Beef & Veggies – 欧洲式牛肉串 European style flavour
Satay Skewers – 马来式鸡肉川 in spicy peanut sauce
Fresh Veggies - 各式蔬菜川 eggplant, zucchini, cherry tomato, mushrooms, …
Sweet and Sour tofu 酸甜古老豆腐 with pineapple & peppers
Green Curry – 泰式绿咖喱 with coconut milk, vegetables and tofu
Seasonal fruit plate – 水果盘
Chocolate & Banana Pancake Rolls- 巧克力及香蕉甜饼
That was perfect to have such huge buffet after the spinning class (and cycling there and back). My friends and I stayed long at Obiwan – actually we were the last ones.