Archive for the ‘Germany’ Category

Interesting Vintage Bikes

Montag, Juni 7th, 2010

I went to Erlangen again to meet my physicist friend Martin. It was a nice day again so we went to a beer garden. He told me that the current rule that was set up by King Ludwig the 1st of Bavaria around 1800 states that an outdoor place selling beer need to allow people to bring their own “Brotzeit” (food) to be allowed to call themselves a beer garden. That means that nowadays many places that have a sign „Biergarten“ are not really beer gardens, because in most places it is forbidden to bring food or drinks, even for children.

Martin and Ines in Erlangen

Then I went to Gustl’s house to see some of the interesting bikes he has built in the last 50 years. I have known Gustl since 1989 and it was always fun to listen to his witty comments. He has been working with young athletes for over 42 years. One of the strange bikes he built is a unicycle with a tiny wheel and a huge gear ratio. This is like riding a tiny wheeled fixed gear bike in a wheely (on the back wheel only).

Unicycle with Huge Gear Ratio

He has half a bike with 2 tiny front wheels that he had built about 30 years ago. It seems to be a unicycle with 2 support wheels  and therefore looks like it is easy to ride, but it actually is not! Gustl challenged me for a race on 2 of those bikes. With his 69 years he is still very agile and has great balance but he also had some issues getting started. It is so fun to ride.

Weird kind of Unicycle

His father used to have a bike shop and he learned as a car mechanic so he was always playing around making interesting kinds of bikes. He made a tall bike tandem, that he does not have anymore. He also made a bike for 2 people that only had 2 wheels, but 3 frames and the person on the left had to use his right hand to steer the left side of the handlebar and the person on the right had to use his left hand to steer the right side of the handlebar which made it really hard to ride. The parts of that bike are in this pile.

Pile of Weird Bikes

He also has some really old trick bikes like this almost complete original one, just the front wheel is missing.

Vintage Trick Bike

It is too bad that he had thrown away so many of these valuable vintage bikes. He gave me wooden rims for my bamboo bike, some really old leather saddles and one of the medium old trick bikes so that I can start teaching some children in China the sport of artistic cycling.

Vintage Trick Bike Pile

Then I drove to meet my good friend Alex to go to a small little beer garden. I passed by the center of Nuernberg that looks really nice on such a beautiful day with the historic castle and medieval city wall and towers.

Historic Nuernberg

Artistic Cycling and Acro Balance

Sonntag, Juni 6th, 2010

Driving a different route than usual I saw a new site of Adidas built in the North of Herzogenaurach. Both Adidas and Puma are both expanding and building new sites in their town of origin. The nice thing is that there was a bicycle lane even out here in the countryside.

Bike Lane outside of Herzogenaurach

I went to to meet the artistic cyclists Karina, Paulina and Inga. There were practicing for the upcoming Bavarian Championships. They need to do well in order to qualify for the German Cup.

Karina and Paulina Rossbach 2er Kunstfahren

Karina for fun invented a new figure that looks classy. But she did not hand it in to the actual organization.

Classy Karina Split

I was also training. It was nice to be on a good fast wooden floor again. I was happy that I still was able to do the handstand on my bike. Then we took a picture together in the old school style on our fixed gear trick bicycles.

Traditional Stillstand on Artistic Bicycle

Inga does not ride anymore so we took a normal picture outside.

Inga and Ines

Then I went to the Zirkuslabor started by Tatjana Bilenko and Fritz Mack whom I used to perform together with for a few years (about 1996 to 1999) in the performing arts community show called “Vorsicht Variete”. Today they were doing some acro-balance.

Tatjana and Fritz Acro-Balance

Gerhard Pfeiffer and I were also practicing some partner acrobatic. We took a video that I uploaded only to facebook.

Tatjana performs on the trapeze and other aerial things like this ring. So she was practicing that too.

Tatjana in Aerial Ring

I hope next time I can see them perform, because they have been doing it as a full time living for quite some years now. That last time I saw Fritz he was still having his corporate job.

Tatjana in the Zirkuslabor

Then I drove home to have some delicious barbecue in my parent’s garden.

German Newspaper Article about Ines Brunn and her Natooke Bike Shop

Donnerstag, Februar 4th, 2010

Today there was an article in the German Newspaper about my life and how I am following my passion. How I decided to quit my corporate job and become an entrepreneur. It tells the story that even though I am doing something as crazy as a German person opening a bicycle shop in China I am succeeding. That definitely has to do with me being a famous trick cyclist. So not only do I run this fixed gear bike and juggling shop in Beijing but I also still perform around the world with my stunt bicycle shows.

The original article of the Erlanger Nachrichten can be found online. But I also copied the article here so you can directly read it (well, that is if you understand German…).

Von «Wetten, dass . . ?» zum Rad-Laden in China
Die Erlanger Kunstradfahrerin Ines Brunn hat ihr Hobby zum Beruf gemacht – «Inesgrätsche» weltweit bekannt

Einen Fahrradladen in Peking auf zu machen, ist wohl so ähnlich wie Eulen nach Athen zu tragen. Zumal dann, wenn das Vorhaben von einer Deutschen angegangen wird. Die erfolgreiche Erlanger Kunstradfahrerin Ines Brunn hat es trotzdem gewagt – und wieder einmal gewonnen.

Kunstradfahren auf der Straße: Ines Brunn findet auch in China begeisterte Zuschauer.

ERLANGEN – Von 1989 bis 1995 hat Ines Brunn ihre Kunststücke für die Soli Herzogenaurach auf dem Kunstrad gezeigt und seit 1996 ist sie Mitglied bei der Soli Erlangen. Wie viele sportliche Erfolge sie in ihrer aktiven Laufbahn errungen hat, weiß sie gar nicht mehr. «Alle meine Ergebnisse sind in Ordnern auf dem Dachboden meiner Eltern», sagt sie. Kunstrad-Bezirksmeisterin war sie aber mehrmals, bayerische Meisterin auch, und etliche mal war sie Zweite und Dritte. Auch beim Bundespokal hat sie Platz zwei belegt, und bei den Deutschen Meisterschaften und German Masters war sie stets unter den besten zehn. Das hat zu Weltranglistenplatz 19 geführt. Ines hat auch die nach ihr benannte «Inesgrätsche» erfunden, die erste Figur, die im internationalen Kunstradreglement nach einer Person benannt ist. Dadurch ist die Ex-Turnerin weltweit bei Kunstradfahrern bekannt geworden. Zudem ist Ines die erste Frau der Welt, die den Schweizerlenkerhandstand beherrscht.

Pfannkuchen gebacken

Aber «richtig» bekannt ist Ines Brunn erst geworden, als sie im Februar 1992 mit einer spektakulären Kunstrad-Show bei der Fernsehsendung «Wetten, dass . . ?» aufgetreten ist. «Wetten, dass es Ines Brunn aus Erlangen gelingt, auf dem Lenker ihres Fahrrades stehend, innerhalb von dreieinhalb Minuten einen Pfannkuchen zu backen?» hieß die Wette. Jürgen von der Lippe tippte damals mit «Ja» – und Ines schaffte es unter dem Jubel der Zuschauer im Studio und an den Fernsehern. Ihren letzten Wettkampf hat Ines 2005 absolviert, obwohl sie offiziell nicht aufgehört hat mit dem Kunstradfahren. Deshalb war sie 2006 auch noch im Sonder-Bundeskader. «Wenn ich wieder nach Deutschland gehen würde, würde ich schon noch an Wettkämpfen teilnehmen wollen», sagt sie, fügt aber sogleich an: «Doch ich plane nicht in nächster Zeit nach Deutschland zu ziehen».

Denn Ines lebt seit einigen Jahren in Peking, und dort fühlt sie sich pudelwohl. 2001 wurde sie nach ihrem Physikstudium «Regional Market Manager Asia-Pacific» bei einer deutschen Firma. Das hat ihr so gefallen, dass sie in Asien leben wollte. Sie ließ sich nach Peking versetzen, und hat nach weiteren zwei Jahren einen lokalen Vertrag unterschrieben.

Das Hobby siegte

Mitte 2009 dann hat sie sich selbstständig gemacht, aber nicht etwa um ihrem studierten Beruf nachzugehen, sondern um ihrem Hobby zu frönen: Ines hat einen Fahrradladen eröffnet. Das war nicht einfach, aber nach einem langen bürokratischen Hindernislauf hat es schließlich geklappt. Bahnrennräder, schöne Eingang-, Ein- und Kunsträder verkauft sie nun. Anti-Pollution Atemmasken, Fahrradkurier-Taschen, Jongliersachen, Urban Cycling Klamotten und ähnliches führt sie auch in ihrem Laden in einem alten, aber frisch renovierten Beijing Hutonggebäude.

«Trick bike» heißt die Firma [Kommentar: Mein Laden heisst „NATOOKE„], und Ines verspricht neben all den Utensilien, die sie verkauft, auch Shows mit einer einmaligen choreografischen Vermischung von Kunstradfahren und turnerischen Elementen. Engagements hatte sie schon in Südafrika, USA, Sri Lanka, Russland, Belgien, Schweiz und Holland. Und wenn sie ihre Heimat besucht, dann geht sie natürlich zur Soli Erlangen in die Halle, um ein wenig mit dem Nachwuchs zu trainieren. Denn die Verbindung zu ihrem Heimatverein, wo man mächtig stolz auf die erfolgreiche Sportlerin ist, ist nach wie vor eng.


Andi’s Fixed Gear Bike Conversion

Samstag, Dezember 12th, 2009

There are many people in Beijing that miss Andi, like me. He lived here in 2005/2006 and found his mountaineering passion here after I took him to come rock climbing with me in the freezing cold of Chinese New Year. And now what? He bough a vintage French road bike.

Vintage French road bike

And what did he do: he converted it to fixed gear. I have the feeling he is trying to copy me. Just joking! Look how beautiful his fixed gear bicycle looks despite the front and back brake that he needs for riding in the hilly town of Heidelberg:

Andi’s beautiful fixed gear bicycle

Andi’s beautiful fixed gear bicycle with front and back brake

It would be so cool to have him back in Beijing but it seems there are too many places in the world for him to be.

Black Forest

Samstag, September 12th, 2009

We went to visit Marie and Do for the weekend who just just came back from a scuba diving holiday. As they live just at the „Dreilaendereck“ of Germany, Switzerland and France we decided to go for a walk in the black forest near Oetlingen.

Walking in the Forest

Her mother and sister also came for a visit. And the dog was happy to be on a long walk.

Walking in the Forest

Ex-Colleagues and Friends

Freitag, September 11th, 2009

It was nice to go and meet many ex-colleagues. Unfortunately many had already left the office as we arrived in the later afternoon. But it was nice to walk around and still see so many of the nice people.

We then drove to a public barbecue site with a nice view over the „Alb“ hills. It looked like it was going to rain but it actually stayed dry. I was happy to see that some of my friends came by bike.

Schwaebische Alb mit Rossberg

One of our friends had magically set up the fire and we soon could start the barbecue. Some of my friends are professional open fire barbecue guys and had specific barbecue forks (they used to give that as a present for anybody who turned 40, so if anybody had one he was usually older than 40) and other utensils.

Barbecue on over Open Fire

It was great to see these friends after such a long time. It did get a bit chilly when it got dark and the fire was almost out. Here are just some pictures we took throughout the evening.

Ines and Friends

Ines and Friends

Ines and Friends

Ines and Friends

Ines and Friends

Ines and Friends

Ines and Friends

Breakfast in the Sun

Freitag, September 11th, 2009

It was again a beautiful morning. We had breakfast on the porch with some of the left-overs from the party last night like the delicious chocolate cake my mother had baked.

Breakfast on the Porch in the Sun

The „Pfefferbeisser“ sausages were just enough after I found some hidden ones in the fridge.


Then we soon had to pack our things and leave. So we took a goodbye picture with my parents in their garden. It is funny how they look taller than me because of the slight slope in their garden and my father standing on tip toes.

Ines and her Parents

Barbecue Party

Donnerstag, September 10th, 2009

As this stay in Germany is short I did not have enough time to visit my friends one by one. Therefore I decided to invite them for a barbecue at my parent’s house. Various friends from different sections of my life showed up, some of which I have not seen for about 10 years. It was so nice to talk to everybody that I seemed to have forgotten to take any pictures. Too bad. I will have to do that at the next barbecue party…

Preparing the Grill for the Barbecue

Rock Climbing in Franconian Switzerland

Mittwoch, September 9th, 2009

One of the best most famous places in Germany for rock climbing is Franconian Switzerland or Frankenjura. It is where I started climbing many years ago. We went to a cliff that I think I have never been to. Andi chose it because he had also never been there. At least that is what he thought till we arrived.

The Rock Climber on the Phone

The Belayer watching the Lead Climber carefully

I still do not have a digital SLR anymore so these pictures are not nice. But I still wanted to upload some to give you an impression of the wonderful limestone of the Frankenjura.

Rock Climbing in Franconian Switzerland

Rock Climbing in the Frankenjura

Great Limestone Cliffs for Rock Climbing

Franconian Limestone Cliffs for Rock Climbing

Most of the crags in Franconia are in the forests. So in the summer it does not get too hot in the daytime. And you usually have to walk a bit to get to the climbing places.

Walking through the Forest

After climbing we went to a very typical Franconian „Keller“. Those are the caves carved into the hills for storage of food and beverages in the ancient times. Today some of them sell some of their homemade food and have some beer benches so you can sit. So you can get typical things such as „Pressack“ (in Franconian dialect more pronounced like „Brressagg“), „Stadtwurst mit Musik“ and „Obazda“. And they sell dark and strong „Keller“ beer in baby mugs and normal mugs as seen in this picture:

Drinking Beer in a Franconian Keller

The normal mug is 1 liter of beer and the baby mug is only half a liter of beer. The view from this keller was magnificent:

View of Franconian Switzerland Hills and Cliffs

Then we went to see the nearby“Vexierkapelle“ which is the only thing remaining from a castle originally built around the year 1146 A.D..

Vexierkapelle Reifenberg in Germany

From there we had a beautiful view of the famous „Walbala“ where people had been living in the bronze age (about 1000 years B.C.) and was a very important spot for the Kelts (about 500 years B.C.). Till today people believe this spot has magical energy.

Ehrenbuerg Walbala in Franken

After dinner we went to the birthday party of one of my best friends. It was fine for me to drive as the good wine would be a waste for me to drink as all I can taste from wine is  the alcohol. I had not been aware almost all of the taste of wine is received through the nose.

Our Good Friend Andi

Dienstag, September 8th, 2009

Yeah, I finally got to see Andi again! He used to live in Beijing but moved back to Germany in the summer of 2006. I saw him once since then. Today he came to our home to stay with us for a night.It was great to see him after such a long time 🙂

Outdoor Andi in Germany

And it was even better that after going to German hospitals and consulting doctors they agreed that I could start doing sports again after my head trauma. Finally. Just regarding my loss of smell they old me that it might take a while for it to come back, maybe even a few years… I will try to always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle in the streets.