Archive for the ‘Performers’ Category

The Poet in Motion

Sonntag, Dezember 6th, 2009

I met my good friend for dinner. I have not seen her for a long time, especially not with some time to talk. So it was really nice. But we did not have so much time as I was wanting to see the theater performance in Penghao theater. I heard that it was very suitable for children and I assumed it would be very funny. It turned out to be 3 different monologues. First the „Wind in the Willows“ by Kenneth Grahame, then „The Massacre of the Innocents“ by W.H. Auden and last „The Sea and the Mirror“ also by Auden. All three were played by Ian Reed. He is a good actor but they were difficult monologues, especially after a day out cycling in the cold fresh air.

Ines Show at German Center Beijing

Donnerstag, Dezember 3rd, 2009

Today the German Center for Industry and Trade in Beijing had their 10 Year Anniversary celebration in the Landmark Hotel. They had well prepared the vent with a huge wall of pictures of the past 10 years.

German Center Beijing 10 Year Anniversary Celebration

They had requested me to perform on their tiny stag. It was very long but unfortunately very narrow and un-expectedly covered with a quite soft carpet making it almost impossible to do any bicycle tricks. I did what I could do on my trick bike. The following pictures were taken by the photographers of the German Center.

Ines Trick Bike Performance

Ines Trick Bike Show

Ines surfing her fixed gear bike

Ines Riding on Backwheel

Our French friend and contact juggler Muakine also perfomed on an even smaller stage than mine.

Contact Juggler Muakine

There was also a Chinese face changing performer and a typical Chinese Kungfu group. Then Zack and friends played some nice Jazz music as the huge buffet was opened.

Zack and the Jazz Musicians

It was a very nice event. Here is a picture of the German Center management team in traditional German clothes and me wearing a Chinese qipao.

German Center management team in traditional German clothes

I cycled back home together with Zack. He now goes to his gigs carrying all his drums on his tricycle. And I was cycling home on my slow trick bike.

Zack and drums on tricycle

Practicing for Performance

Montag, November 30th, 2009

For my next upcoming performance I had to really train as the stage is only 3.9meters deep. That is extremely narrow, especially as it will be a real stage. So I cannot ride to the absolute border in the front, but also not in the back as there will be a wall. I had huge difficulty finding tricks that I could do on such a small space. But with that I can soon start performing in discotheques. I uploaded a clip of my tiredsome practice to the Chinese version of youtube. You will see my friend doing some funny finger movements. That shows you how boring my practice for this show was.

Tokyo BFF Block Party Pics of Ines on Houyhnhnm

Dienstag, November 24th, 2009

The bicycle film festival block party was covered with some snap shots by the magazine Houyhnhnm. They had some nice pictures of me performing my trick bike show there:

Ines Brunn on Houyhnhnm in Tokyo

Ines Brunn doing bike tricks in Japan

Trick Bike Show of Ines Brunn at Tokyo BFF

Ines in BFF T-shirt

Beijing Jugglers Workshop

Montag, November 16th, 2009

As every Monday night the Beijing Jugglers group met at the bar called Yugong Yishan. Today probably due to the very icy cold weather not many people came.

European Jugglers

Fede was mainly juggling balls.

Fede Balancing a Ball on his Head

Fede Overhead Juggling

Fede Juggling Five Balls

And I tried some tricks on a static bike for a performance in Tokyo where I will only have 3 times 4 meters.

Static Trick Bike Performance

Jess Meider Concert

Samstag, November 14th, 2009

The “DiVINE” CD Release Party of Jess was so great! Such a good concert, great performance and nice vibe in the venue with energetic afterparty. Here are some pictures of Jess with Sarah Vossler (background vocals) and Zac Courtney (drums) and other musicians:

Jess Meider “DiVINE” CD Release Concert

Jess Meider and Band

The Italian juggler Federico Moro did a ball juggling performance with up to 5 balls choreographed to a new song of Jess.

Federico Moro Juggling Performance

Federico Moro Juggling 4 Balls

Federico Moro Juggling 5 Balls

Federico Moro Juggling 3 Balls

Jess Meider and Band with Marie-Claude

After playing all the new songs that are on the Divine CD then Meiyouwenti Records brought some reggae music with the DJ Oscar who gave us a nice grove for dancing.

Meiyouwenti Records Reggae Music DJ Oscar

Concert Afterparty Dancing

There was a nice article about the concert published in the Global Times. Check it out!

Jess Meider New CD Release Party Tonight!

Samstag, November 14th, 2009

I am so looking forward to this. Jess Meider has just finished her new album and is having a special CD-release concert tonight at Dos Kolegas starting at 10pm. The album is called DiVINE. Her new songs are so beautiful… If you are in Beijing come on out and listen and experience!

Jess Meider DiVINE CD Release Party Beijing

TED in Beijing

Freitag, November 13th, 2009

Do you know about TED? Well if not then you need to check out their website:

Today was the first TED event in Beijing. As it was an independently organized event but with the TED license it was called TEDxBeijing. And I was selected as a speaker! I was so excited when I heard that news on October 30th!!! Since then I was in an extreme speech preparation mode. I re-wrote my speech about 8 times. There were too many topics to talk about. It was hard for me to chose. In the end I chose the title: Changes of Perception. I was wanting people to change their perception about bicycles and re-consider to ride. Especially in Beijing.

Cars are the Current Status Symbol in China

Modern Building in Beijing Reject Bicycles and have no Bicycle Parking

And to inspire people that cycling is not just about pedaling I also did some tricks on my artistic bicycle. Of course… 🙂

Ines Brunn Tricks on a Bicycle at TEDxBeijing

There was some pictures of it on of me speaking as well as doing tricks on my bicycle. Also I found some pictures of the event on flickr. And more pictures.

This was such a great event! So many great speakers and interesting topics. It showed the different perspectives of Beijing and China. We had live online screening of all the speeches. And the videos will be edited and hopefully soon uploaded. I am looking forward to that. Now I first need to get a good nights sleep!

Striving to re-vive the Bicycle Culture in China伊泉在TEDxBeijing发表演讲

Freitag, November 13th, 2009

There was an article on the website about my speech at TEDxBeijing conference. Click here for the original version.

图文:伊泉在TEDxBeijing发表演讲 2009年11月13日 18:44 新浪科技伊泉在TEDxBeijing发表演讲

新浪科技讯 北京时间11月13日下午消息,首届TEDxBeijing演讲活动今天在北京举行,本届的主题是“发现激情”。新浪科技独家直播本次会议。


伊泉是一位充满激情的德国自行车选手,她在美国生活了六年。她曾是一位粒子加速器的研究员,之后转向了远程传输领域,并且搬到了北京。在超过 20年的时间内,她是一位有竞争力的运动员,效力于德国国家室内自行车队10年的时间,现在仍在世界各地表演。2007年,在内心激情的驱使下,伊泉和她的一个朋友在北京创建了一个仍然在不断扩大的组装自行车社区。伊泉还创建了Natooke,这是第一个组装自行车以及杂技商店。她是点废成绿 (Greening the Beige)活动的顾问,这是一个环保理念的艺术征集活动,以期为北京的环保组织和个人建立起联系。伊泉希望在中国树立一个观念:自行车是一种运动、爱好和每日出行工具,最关键的是,它可以降低温室气体的排放。她的骑行在各国电视上广为播放,包括德国、瑞士、比利时、新加坡,当然也包括中国 (CCTV3,CCTV9,天津电视台)。

There was also an article on the website. And probably also on others…

绿色骑行(绿色英雄ECO HERO)伊泉 Ines Brunn

Donnerstag, Oktober 22nd, 2009

Here is a post about the TV program done by Tianjin TV station about people that work for a greener environment.

You can watch the ECO HERO video on

绿色骑行(绿色英雄ECO HERO)①
10/22/2009 12:00 AM


In China, almost everyone knows how to ride a bike. However, along with the development of technology, more and more people are beginning to have their own cars and bikes are no longer as popular as before.
Gases emitted from car exhaust pipes create serious air pollution within cities. Bearing this in mind, a number of ecologically spirited people are now choosing to ride bikes instead of driving. Ines Brunn is a special one of these people.
Some people race their bikes, some people cruise on their bikes. Other people simply use their bikes to get from A to B. Ines Brunn doesn’t. When she gets on her bike, she is a gymnast, contortionist, and acrobat all rolled into one. Today you can appreciate the awesome, breathtaking bike tricks done by this amazing cyclist cum athlete.
Kathy Yin has her first attempt at riding a monocycle. Will she manage it? She realizes that riding bicycle is both cool and environmentally friendly. What about you? Have you been on the static bikes at the gym this week? Why not ride your bike to the gym instead? And enjoy the warm sunshine and fresh air? Perhaps if you are adventurous you can also try a monocycle, or perhaps travel somewhere with your partner on a tandem bike.

加入时间: 2009-10-22